kylee was afraid to go on this ride. the girl who can't get enough of tower of terror. yes, her. after she rode it, she rode it again.

poor tessa was left to play in the dirt...

brenton had to ride the spinning music ride. all by himself. literally. no one else was on the ride.

all of us waiting for brenton to ride his music spinning ride. i think brady was the only one entertained by his cousin.

bumper cars. look at how brady put on his seat belt. around his neck. FOR BUMPER CARS. yes, i fixed it before the ride started.

one of the FEW RIDES WE LET TESSA GO ON. that poor poor child. all she got was dirt.

the spinning dragon ride. which none of them would spin. they were all scared. OF GETTING SICK!

we didn't go on the BIG YELLOW SLIDE this year but...

they got to go on this one as MANY TIMES AS THEY WANTED.
1 comment:
noone commented on Brady's neck that would have been broken. Oh my gosh thank you for good mothers who see thinkgs like that. Nicole didn't even know about it until she saw this picture.
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