Thursday, December 29, 2011

christmas morn

for the next little bit it is going to be just a bunch of pictures. 1. i got a new camera 2. do all pictures really need explaining 3. i am lazy

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

i did it

and i now present to you a part of the "metcalf nativity production", also known as Chrismas Eve.

we were all hopped up on food and sugar.

Monday, December 26, 2011

I tried

I really tried to upload a funny flick entitled "THE METCALF VERSION OF THE NATIVITY SCENE". It didn't load properly and I am too tired to re upload it. I will give it another shot later. Until then...Happy Holidays.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

What R U doing reading this?

It's Christmas Eve! You should be busy. You should be cleaning. You should be cooking. You should be shopping. You should be wrapping. You should be yelling at your kids for being out of control. You should be thinking "Christmas literally turns me insane!". Seriously. Go. Be insane. I am.

Friday, December 23, 2011

christmas chaos

the opening of the gifts at the Hoyt Christmas Party. also, IT IS THE DAY BEFORE THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS AND I'M BUSY BUSY BUSY BEING GOOD!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

ain't nobody got

an uncle like JOHN and an aunt like TARI
she had us put it together the night we got home from the party
her "real" puppy that she named cilla. she also got the worlds largest princess coloring set i have ever seen and haven't yet dared open it.
that is an official red rider bb gun. HE ACTUALLY GOT ONE! oh, and he also got remote control trucks too.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


my mother's mother
my grandmother
my children's great grandmother Hoyt
these are all of her great grandchildren!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011







Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the dentist

Brenton has to have a crown put on today. now remember, this is my anxious baby, major dental work = anxious. we have changed over to a pediatric dentist cause we are with the CHIP dental health plan. all i have are wonderful words for them (the dentistry and the insurance). Walter doesn't like the fact that our kids are on aid from the government (sadly, i think pride can be a hindrance sometimes). i have a completely different viewpoint. when i found out how much this visit would cost us without and then with the insurance, i was dancing around singing "this is great, i can get my kids health taken care of without the ulcer of "how are we going to afford this"). the dentistry even provides the extra anxious kids, aka Brenton, with a little cocktail (which would have cost $50 but with CHIP it is only $10) to take before the appt. THIS IS GONNA BE INTERESTING! and i also LOVE BEING ASSISTED IN MY CHILDREN'S HEALTH CARE! i can't say it enough!

Monday, December 12, 2011

our performer

performs yet again. this time at her school performance. she made my mom cry...then i started to. walter looked at us like we were crazy. he doesn't get it. WE ARE CRAZY...ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. my kids also informed me last night...TWO FREAKING WEEKS! i am now living with mexican jumping beans.

Friday, December 9, 2011

what you do when it's freezing

 you go see the Christmas lights OUTSIDE of the temple, with your cousins
 did i mention it was freezing
 but they are troopers
 as long as they get to be together
 they will also do dares given to them by their father/uncle Scott (BTW i think it is a no no to stage yourself in the nativity scene).
 we be chillin
Brenton declared it was no longer "fun" after the Simonsens left us to go home.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

christmas party

mormon style. yes, this is the entry from the ward Christmas party. the theme is Polar Express and we got to wear our PJ's (nicole was sooo jealous). watch for kylee pulling at her foot. it has become a habit/nervous habit of hers to pull her leg all the way up and stand there with one leg in the air by her ear. we thought for sure she was going to end up doing it all the way but, she somehow stopped herself. kinda funny.

Monday, December 5, 2011

kylee and tessa

since i still have SHINGLES! i am going to give myself a much needed break, because of the SHINGLES! and do some simple blogging this week. this post is mostly for my family unless you enjoy watching kylee sing and tessa dance.

Kylee and her friend Zane.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Time for me to do nothing

I have a cold sore. Herpes. On my chin, right below my lip. It is huge. Red. Bumpy. Out there on my face for everyone to see. HERPES! HERPES! HERPES! the only reason I can come up with is STRESS. now I am stressed about my stress that is giving me HERPES(jazz hands). I am too stressed to finish this...

Oh yeah, the countdown starts today. My kids are freaking out.
UPDATE: it's bloody shingles. HERPES ZOSTER (jazz hands)

wishing on the moon