Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the dentist

Brenton has to have a crown put on today. now remember, this is my anxious baby, major dental work = anxious. we have changed over to a pediatric dentist cause we are with the CHIP dental health plan. all i have are wonderful words for them (the dentistry and the insurance). Walter doesn't like the fact that our kids are on aid from the government (sadly, i think pride can be a hindrance sometimes). i have a completely different viewpoint. when i found out how much this visit would cost us without and then with the insurance, i was dancing around singing "this is great, i can get my kids health taken care of without the ulcer of "how are we going to afford this"). the dentistry even provides the extra anxious kids, aka Brenton, with a little cocktail (which would have cost $50 but with CHIP it is only $10) to take before the appt. THIS IS GONNA BE INTERESTING! and i also LOVE BEING ASSISTED IN MY CHILDREN'S HEALTH CARE! i can't say it enough!

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