Friday, January 29, 2010

deep thoughts taught by a "certain auntie"

kylee: mom look how cute that little baby is.
me: yes that is a very cute baby.
kylee: don't you want another little baby like that?
kylee: don't you want another one?
me: ummm, no thank you.
kylee: you had 3 babies?
me: uh yeah! YOU, BRENTON, AND TESSA! you were there to see Tessa when she was 2 hours old. remember?
kylee: oh yeah. does it hurt to get the babies out?
me: oh yesiree! IT HURTS ALOT ALOT ALOT!
kylee: i don't think i want to have any babies.
me: (laughter)
kylee: i can remember what aunt Molly said and i will go with that.
me: oh yeah, what did she say?
kylee: i think it was her who said this but, i am not sure. she said, "i am not having any babies unless my husband puts a big rock on my finger".

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

i watched this and realized...I AM TWOFER!

please just watch the opening three minutes. i tried to figure out how to copy just the beginning. i couldn't. got tired. and quit. BUT I TOTALLY HAVE THE SAME QUESTION AS TWOFER IN RE: TO QUIDDITCH(SP?)!! I AM A DORK.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

what's Khloe got to do with it?

so here are some of my feelings about really important life altering STUFF INTERNET PEOPLE, so listen up! the way i watch award shows is, i tivo them and then watch them on fast forward and don't listen to a dang thing. i can see who won and who didn't. i also don't have the patience to watch the long drawn out red carpet interviews and crap either so, i tivo the fashion police and check out who wore what on that show. there has become a problem though...AND THAT PROBLEMS NAME IS KHLOE (NO ONE GIVES A CRAP) KARDASHIAN!
i had absolutely no idea that this woman knows EVERYTHING ABOUT FASHION. (but, neither does anyone else on that show but still...KHLOE?) so i am going to give you MY RUNDOWN of what i thought of the golden globes/SAG's outfits. aren't you so excited to hear about Marci's opinion?!
this is January Jones. the FP (fashion police) hated the outfit and the headband. i loved it. the FP are stupid.

this is Kate Hudson. the FP thought she looked great. for once they got it right. i would totally rock that outfit, if i had her body. by the by, i have been told that i look like her from my husband laughed out loud and then turned to me and said "i don't see the resemblance". note to husbands: if your wife is told she looks like a gorgeous movie star AGREE WITH THEM (then maybe you"ll "get some" later on)!
this is Kyra Sedgewick(sp?). i think she looks very pretty. the FP were not so impressed. they are stupid.
this is Nicole Kidman. Nicole i can totally see your NIPPLE and your face looks like PLASTIC. i don't' know what the FP think about her.
this is Tina Fey. i love Tina Fey. the FP hated this whole outfit. i thought she looked like Mary Frickin' Poppins.
this is Anna Paquin. She scares me. alot.
this is Justin Timberlake. normally i think he looks great. what is with the denim shirt? DENIM...REALLY?? FP didn't like it either.
this is Mariah Carey. she brought both her golden globes to the golden globes. she scares me too.
this is Sandra Bullock. i think she is so very pretty and funny too.

this is Vera Farmiga(sp?). i loved her hair. the FP hated it. they are stupid.

again this is only my opinion but, i felt like i just had to get it out there into the world. next up will be Grammy's (hello crazy lady gaga) and the Oscar's(the only show i watch because i sit around with all of my friends and eat sticks of butter dipped in chocolate dipped in sugar and sprinkled with M&M's). PEACE OUT!

Monday, January 25, 2010

my 2nd and her 1st

i thought about talking about heavier topics today like HAITI, HELP, MONEY, FEELING HELPLESS AND GETTING SENT BACK A CHRISTMAS ART PROJECT KYLEE HAD MADE HER GRANDPA (oh yeah, we are visiting that one!) but. BUT. my beautiful 6 year old LOST HER FIRST TOOTH. and she did it in such a way that was SO VERY DIFFERENT FROM MY OLDEST CHILD'S EXPERIENCE. her bottom tooth has been sorta loose but, not to the point of being ready to fall out. now most FIRST TIMERS will let that tooth get so loose that it is literally hanging by a gummy thread. did Kylee do this? NOT A CHANCE. she worked that tooth all day on Saturday until it finally popped out. i am so proud of her for not being scared of pushing that tooth out. i don't think i got that way until i had lost a few of my teeth. she has got the most perfect set of teeth right now that i am not sure what is going to pop up out of there. anyways, i just want to send out a big CONGRATULATIONS TO MY KYLEE!
PS the tooth fairy was so busy on Saturday night that she forgot to take her tooth and leave her a little something behind. BAD TOOTH FAIRY, BAD FAIRY!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

in case you didn't think it existed anymore

a friend of ours (BRETT) gave us some free tickets to see a sneak preview of the TOOTH FAIRY last night. since we were planning on spending money on our kids to see it anyways, we figured what the heck, let's SEE IT FOR FREE. the only catch was a)it was downtown b) need a babysitter for the two year old and c) we don't ever do the free sneak preview thing because it is such a pain and we are TOO LAZY to deal with pains. so, i found a babysitter, my lovely wonderful mom and sister and we headed downtown an hour before the movie was going to start. by this time, our kids were EXTREMELY EXCITED about seeing this movie. we get to the ticket desk and they tell us that all they have left are 2 tickets and they weren't even seated together. we take our kids over by the front door and LET THEM DOWN. Kylee (ms. drama queen) starts crying and saying that her night is RUINED. we ask Brenton what he would like to do (like go out to eat and get some chocolate after) and he says, "i want to see the movie THE TOOTH FAIRY!". while Walter and i are trying to talk our inconsolable 8 and 6 year olds into doing something else (unbeknownst to us) a couple is standing right next to us watching the meltdown take place. they then approach us and say, "are you guys trying to see the movie the tooth fairy?". we reply, "yes, can you tell how well our children take no for an answer?". they then say, "hey we have these 4 tickets that are all next to each other and i am just waiting for my brother." Walter says, "no that's OK, we can't take your tickets." they then look at our kids and say, "really take them, i just won them on the radio and my brother will be ALOT easier to deal with than these 2 kids. PLEASE TAKE THEM AND ENJOY!" to which we reply "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH" and then we smacked our kids heads and said "SHOW A LITTLE APPRECIATION HUH? THESE KIND PEOPLE JUST GAVE US THEIR TICKETS CAUSE YOU GUYS AREN'T SPOILED ENOUGH."
anyways...we got to see the movie, which our children enjoyed immensely. and honestly the whole point of this post was, whoever you are (since we didn't get your names) you have reaffirmed my faith in kindness in people. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR GIVING US YOUR TICKETS! I WOULD GIVE YOU A BIG FAT KISS ON THE LIPS IF I COULD!
my kids are now complaining of stomach aches from eating too much popcorn. i would say I TOLD YOU SO but,i have one too.

Thanks Brett!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

shake it baby

what we were doing for like 3 hours on sunday night...and it got REALLY REALLY LOUD! sorry i am lazy again and don't feel like coming up with a witty post about my life here with three kids who make me insane.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

stuck in Slackersville because of slagging

i am so slagging today. is slagging a word? i wanted something different from slacking and my brain said SLAGGING, so i am going with it. it is probably a word that teenage girls use for a slut/hag but, BUT I AM CHANGING THAT. it is now another word i use for slacking. maybe because to me, it is close to slug. which is what i have been feeling like for awhile now. i am stuck in Utah just sllluuugggging along day to day to day. it is this inversion that we have had for over a week. it is giving me nasty headaches and which in turn makes me feel nauseous. so i end up in bed with an icepack drinking ginger ale. oh who am i kidding, i would be doing that even if i didn't have a headache (just ask my husband). he walks in the door=Marci walking into her bedroom door and passing out in front of the TV. i also could blame all the headaches/laziness (tired)/nauseous/smelling garlic oozing out of my husbands pores on...wait for it...PREGNANCY! OK, who is super excited to have just read that? who is super surprised to have just read that? and who doesn't believe i just wrote that? YES, IT'S TRUE i am not pregnant. just saw the ob/gyn today,i think he would have seen something up there and told me about it. that AND there is no way i am ever getting pregnant again. you've heard it here folks, Marci is all done being pregnant...FOREVER. my reason...I JUST DON'T LIKE IT! well look at that, i just wrote a whole post about nothing. was it worth your precious reading time? come on, you LOVE ME AND YOU KNOW IT!

Monday, January 18, 2010

i forgot AND can't get lost!

i have forgotten to tell the Internet about my NIFTY, COOL CHRISTMAS STUFF! so, here it be...
i have often told my husband i want a GPS system numerous times and i think he finally got sick of me being on the road and calling him (and yelling) LOOK THIS STREET UP FOR ME! I AM LOST!
now i have my very own PERSONAL MAP right in front of me so i won't have to call and SCREAM about being lost anymore.
i also got a new computer and i wish i had a picture of it next to our old system. because, the old one looks like a GIANT MONSTER next to my new compact computer!

and here is how it all looks put my bedroom...right next to my when i can't sleep i screw around on the computer AND watch TV. like i said before, my hubby spoiled me WITH WAY TOOOO MUCH BUT, I LOVE IT ALL.

PS Tessa opened up my GPS gift for me a day early...while i was exercising...isn't she thoughtful!

Friday, January 15, 2010

where did my hair go?

i will let these pictures speak for themselves (never mind i ended up speaking up for all of them)
this is her first ever haircut, which means, she has had baby hair attached to her head for 2 YEARS!

the obligatory before picture
b-man was getting his haircut at the same time. yes, he is playing a video game while having his hair done. i do this because i don't think he plays enough video games at home...i need to expose him just a little bit more!
Tessa got to watch a mickey mouse clubhouse DVD and did really good while they were cutting her hair until...
they pulled out the scary, big, mean, loud, menacing...BLOW DRYER. HOW DARE THEY!
the finished product...missing teeth and all!
i am sorry but it is just too cute for words! i keep asking her, "where did your hair go?" and she says "i don know?".
feel free to leave comments as to how cute my kiddo's look!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

angel face

there is something so calming about watching a 2 year old sleep
especially when they have those bow shaped lips and chubby red cheeks BUT MOSTLY, i think it is the QUIET
yeppers, she totally still sleeps in my bed and i have nothing to apologize for. it is how our family dynamics work in this house.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

she's SO excited

and she just can't HIDE IT!
even though it isn't Tessa's bed, i think she was more overjoyed about having yet ANOTHER BED TO JUMP ON! (don't worry, there is still a TON OF WORK left to do...including painting, the walls are not doomed to look like that forever, ever, ever)

Monday, January 11, 2010

my mom's gonna kill me

i am sure you are asking yourself, why would your mother want to kill her daughter? well, let me tell you why. since the movie Avatar came out both my husband and the rest of my family for that matter have been VERY HO HUM ABOUT IT. but, the problem was, my mom wanted to see it REALLY REALLY BAD (and no one else wanted to)! that is...until everyone my husband and i knew would tell us over and over again..."YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE, AND SEE IT IN 3D". and i now know why they wanted us to see it in 3D... A. MAZ. ING.
i was honestly worried that the REALLY BIG HYPE behind this movie was going to ruin it for me. you know how it goes...OOHH THIS IS SOOOO GOOOOOD! YOU ARE GOING TO LOOOVE IT SO MUCH! then you go see it, read it, or taste and end up, i have had or read or seen better. but, this movie actually lived up to its hype for me, i really truly enjoyed it and it didn't feel like time was dragging on. cause it is a long movie but, has so much eye candy that you don't really notice.
i have decided the the giant blue smurfs are actually BEAUTIFUL GIANT BLUE SMURFS.
mom, i will take you to there if you want me to, that is how much i enjoyed it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

what they are here for

because isn't this what dogs are for? they are for our entertainment! so please if you are having a lousy Friday/weekend watch this a few times. i dare you to try and stop at watching it just one time and not laughing your head off.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

could you say that again?

at my last check up at the dentists office i had no cavities,which came as a complete shocker to me. i honestly couldn't remember the last time i had gone to check and was told "you are all good. see you in another 6 months."! so on Tuesday, while i was driving to the dentists office, i was thinking there is no way i will get good news 2 times in a row. i don't believe i have that kind of luck with my teeth. i mean, my teeth are really, really, really bad. B. A. D. i like to blame my genetics but, it may also have to do with the fact that i didn't start flossing until i was pregnant with Brenton. but now. oh but now, i floss EVERY NIGHT and i brush my teeth with a RX TOOTHPASTE. so, back to the dentists office on Tuesday. i arrive, she cleans my teeth, scrapes my teeth, flosses my teeth, brushes my teeth and then i wait...and wait...and keep thinking in my head "oh how many are there gonna be?". the dentist then comes in and looks inside my mouth and starts saying all this stuff to the hygienist and i just keep thinking "holy poop i am done for" and then he turns to me and says..."no cavities". to which i reply, "check again, i don't believe you. this couldn't happen two times in a row ha ha ha." and then he says, "well, you have a tooth that has a really big filling that should probably have a crown put on it. but it isn't anything that need to be done asap. just when you can or have the money." we have no dental insurance cause Walter doesn't think it is worth what we would be putting into it. and i am like "really? REALLY? with my mouth full of money and probably in the future will be worth a lot of money." i sometimes think about that. how much money is my mouth worth? because i have had A TON of work done on it. so i then ask him, "how much is a crown again?" and then he says, "$800". EIGHT. HUNDRED. DOLLARS. i think i need a HELP MARCI WITH HER TEETH FUND...DONATE HERE. OK Dr. R. i will see you as soon as i come up with the EIGHT. HUNDRED. DOLLARS.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuck and Lift

babies butts are always at their cutest when their legs are tucked up under them, therefore propping the tush up into the air. on a side note: does anyone else have major headaches going on from this inversion weather we have been having? it is making me sick to my stomach, blech!

Monday, January 4, 2010

spoonfuls of sugar...LITERALLY!

i know, another Tessa story but this one is just to good to let the Internet miss out on. the other morning while i was working out, Tessa kept getting into trouble in the kitchen. so i put the HEAVY STOOLS ON TOP ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER SO SHE COULDN'T MANEUVER THEM AROUND ANYMORE! while i was in the shower, the two year old who apparently has SUPER POWERS, got one of the stools from off the counter and moved it over to where we keep the sugar sack on the counter. there is a spoon that we keep in the sugar because i haven't bothered with getting a sugar holder/container thingy. believe me, it is now on my to do list...right after i paint Kylee's and Brenton's rooms. anyways back to the story, i get out of the shower and do my thing. by the time i am dressed i realize that i haven't heard or seen the two year old in awhile, which can only mean one thing. TROUBLE. so i walk out to find Tessa feeding herself spoonfuls of sugar and then giving the dog spoonfuls of sugar too (isn't she so thoughtful). as you can see from the picture (all of the white on her is sugar)...our dog had A VERY GOOD DAY THAT DAY. Roxy loves it when mom is in the shower and Tessa resumes power over the house!

Friday, January 1, 2010

ushering in the NEW

Kylee fuhreaking out about the fact that we didn't do the throw on the ground poppers. i told her she could do them tomorrow when it isn't quite so effing cold outside!everyone shooting their bottle poppers at once after our 9 PM countdown to our very own special midnight. grandma is standing on the top of the stairs enjoying watching all the commotion. she watched all those babies +1 more upstairs sleeping in her crib!
the kids running with something or another. i can't remember now but look at that hottie staring back at me...he's a keeper! a shot of my mom's SUPER FAKE, SUPER TALL Christmas tree.
Tessa all ready for bed after running around in the snow and pounding a glass of sparkling juice!

me in my wild crazy I'm so partying tonight outfit!
Hope you all had a wonderful time and made it home safe and sound. i now have a belly ache from eating too much food because HEY IT'S A HOLIDAY,I CAN EAT AS MUCH AS I WANT!
up in the air was a good movie and i am off on Saturday to see It's Complicated with the mother and the sister Nicole for some girl time!

wishing on the moon