Tuesday, November 22, 2011

that old christmas magic

 you guys i am working on this really deep, meaningful, thanksgiving post. it is taking alot out of me. i mean, alot alot. this is why my posts are going to be sporadic.
OK, i just lied. i am not actually doing that. BUT. i am discovering that my husband and i are just like my parents were around the holidays. which is to say, A JOY TO BE AROUND AND A JOY TO EACH OTHER. there is nothing but, love and singing going on around this here house. in fact, i just made up a list of EVERYTHING (including things i have researched, couponed (this isn't a word but, i just made it one), and figured out where to go to on Thursday night and have previously already bought at a great price) and have given it to husband so that he can see what it is like to buy all this stuff at affordable prices. it's called a learning experiment. or it could be that we had therapy today and i decided to go crazy. either way i think this could be a SUPER DUPER WAY OF LETTING HIM KNOW-YOU KNOW WHAT, BUYING TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS IS HARD AND EXPENSIVE AND MY WIFE IS AWESOME.

1 comment:

LP said...

love the pics! yes holidays are stressful and buying gifts is stressful. but overall fun. wish we lived on the "east" side so we could shop together;)

wishing on the moon