Tuesday, May 18, 2010

stuck in a Texas airport

i knew we were gonna be stuck for a looong time so, that meant shopping and buying the kids something to entertain them.
there was supposedly "free Internet access" but, all it did was lead you to a site where you had to pay for use.

and i got to the point where i didn't even CARE if tessa rolled around on the dirty, grimy, grody, airport carpet anymore.

the very last photo...i think i had a headache and we were going to be boarding in like 45 minutes. brenton and kylee had to sit near an older man who was so nice to him and kylee. he let brenton talk his ear off at the beginning of the flight about all of the safety precautions and what to do (he has it down pat now) and then about 40 minutes into the flight he let brenton fall asleep on his arm/shoulder. THANK KIND GENTLEMAN FOR BEING SO NICE TO MY KIDS ON AN INSANELY LATE FLIGHT!

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