Wednesday, August 11, 2010

instacare anxiety

so i am going to do my "wordless day" tomorrow. brenton did a somersault. into the corner of the wall. i was not upstairs when he did it. kylee came and got me, with a horrified look on her face. i came up to find a head of blood with a goose bump on his head. this bump was unlike any other bump i have ever seen. i then said, " i think we need to take you to the hospital". brenton then screamed. we went to the instacare instead. he was much more calmer about that. when the nurse interviewed us, she asked him questions that you would ask a head injured person for a concussion. does your head hurt? no. do you feel dizzy? no. do you feel like you are going to throw up?...ALL HELL WAS UNLEASHED ON THE INSTACARE! lucky for him he survived. he got a transformer for being so brave. but, i think he was happiest about never feeling like he was going to throw up. HE NOW KNOWS ALL THE SIGNS OF A CONCUSSION.
i think we may have a new phobia to discuss in therapy on thursday...

1 comment:

lookbothways said...

My firstborn grandchild can do anything he wants when he has to suffer trauma aka throwup word. Not the bump the throw up word.

wishing on the moon