Thursday, September 30, 2010

holy dilemma, batman

so which movie do i make my husband take me too? i really want to see them both. i hate it when weekends have two movies opening that i HAVE TO SEE. it's like trying to pick your favorite child. we know's Nicole. i actually have seen the Swedish film version of LET ME IN which is called LET THE RIGHT ONE IN. see, i can totally pull off the film snob know it all. you may all bow to me now.

1 comment:

lookbothways said...

Picking a stupid movie that you can see anytime is not like picking your favorite child. And for your information each of you have qualities that make each one of you my favorite child. For instance Kyle can fix everything, is funny and is my only son. Nicole is sweet and kind and compassionate. Molly is spontaneous, full of herself and talks alot when she isn't mad. oops out of letters

wishing on the moon