Monday, September 14, 2009

i HATE you Kanye West

i was going to do a post today about the fair but, i cannot let this slip by. i have to be honest in that my true hate came from when i first saw this IDIOT on mtv cribs and he had a painting of him being Christ. i am PROUD to say that i have never spent any money on any of his music (and never ever will)! it could have been anyone to win this award, i don't care who won it, but he completely ruined that moment for that person. it just so happens that i adore Taylor Swift and my heart hurt for her after what that AWFUL, IDIOTIC, &%$#@! DID TO HER! there...i am now stepping down from my soapbox...


Kristine said...

OMG. that is SO annoying and RUDE. he is so dumb. (but i do love his music. shoot)

i feel so bad for taylor. way to ruin a special moment. jeeeez.

KYLe said...

I am left in a puzzling situation. I love Kanye's music and I love Taylor Swift.

wishing on the moon