Thursday, March 31, 2011

favorite freak out yet

let me preface this by saying, only money and insanity can bring you this kind of cuckoo.

then she makes her husband take the child to the hospital. they get to the hospital (while she is constantly calling from her swimming pool cabana) to find out...DUN DUN DUN. she has stopped bleeding and the cut has closed up. way to go CRAZY LADY. way to go. oh and the other kicker is this, they took a trip from their SoCal home to Palm Springs. WOW! really getting out there huh? (again i am not sure how long youtube will let me keep this up)

1 comment:

LP said...

oh my word! the previews made it sound so intense. it was a 'nick' on her finger. it was some good reality tv though;) i'm surprised she just didnt take her to her mother in law for some holistic crap;)

wishing on the moon