Thursday, June 23, 2011


after two days of dress rehearsal and dance recital. doing makeup, hair and costume. driving back and forth to kingsbury hall. we walk in the house last night and i turn to kylee and say, "WE DID IT!"

kylee: YOU did it. nope, I did it

me: i am sorry but who did your hair? your makeup? got your costume all together? drove you there on time?

kylee: oh. i guess you kinda did it too.

me: girrrrl, i am gonna smack you over the head with a coca cola bottle. (i didn't really do that, it was a flippin joke. i don't even have coca cola bottles. walter only lets me get the mexican real sugar ones in a bottle if i have been a good girl.)

also, my 3 year old stole the show. you can tell anyone from that performance last night, "you know that pigeon who was doing her own dance and shaking it? she was mine!" and they would say, "she was the best part of the show". my mom is now buying the dvd just for that performance of hers. poor kylee did well too but the music started skipping and it threw all the girls off. i don't know who to be mad at for that one.

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wishing on the moon