Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Roxy the Great

Or i should name this, ROXY the kindest, gentle, loving, adoring, will let a 12 month old do anything to her, good good DOGGY. TESSA is in love. TESSA is in love with a labradoodle named ROXY. Here is how the love goes down at our house...

First we give our good good dog some nice pats on her back to let her know she is a good girl...

Next we lay down on top of our dogs head and lay there while she chews on her rawhide, and maybe we try to take it away a couple of times just to see if she has a good grasp on it or not.

Last, we get back up and give her another pat on the back. Good girl ROXY. i love you!!!

1 comment:

Lisa P. said...

Ah so cute! I'm glad she's a sweet dog cuz she frightens me a bit;)

wishing on the moon