Friday, November 28, 2008

wishin my dad was here (thanksgiving part II)

i know that you were all so curious to know what we actually did on THANKSGIVING so here is the BIG rundown. we were lucky enough to be invited to eat a delicous, divine, scrumptious dinner at my cousins house.

baby cousins and 2nd cousins saylee, brenna, and tessa got down with all the toys that auntie dixine has for them to play with.

kylee was posin for everyone on the staircase.

brady and brenton were lucky enough to have uncle ross get the fire pit going so they could have some smores.

here are the boys (plus my mom) warrior no lie it really was ninja warrior.

ky stayed in aunt dixine's room and watched her own movie whilst bouncing lounging on the ball.
aren't sisters some much fun to take pictures with???

here is a warning to all who eat too much turkey and potatoes on thanksgiving. this could happen to you

much love and gratitude to all, Marci


Lisa P. said...

ah so many cute pics (as usual). I remember when I used to go to your house for thanksgiving dinner and then you'd come to my house. I wish we still lived next door:(. Sorry you had to celebrate without your Dad. Hopefully it won't be for any others.

pedrorijo91 said...
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Laura said...

I love that pic of you and Molly... gorgeous!

wishing on the moon