Monday, November 3, 2008

My Baby is ONE!! Happy Birthday Tessa

Where does the time go? I remember October 30, 2007 so well. I was so nervous that morning, why doesn't it get any easier the more you have? I was also afraid that i would have the same reaction to the epidural that i had with kylee, which i did but luckily i warned them ahead of time and they had some meds to bring my BP back up to normal. Tessa was my quickest delivery, i was induced between 10 and 11 and Tessa was born at around 6 (neither walt or i can remember the exact time???). She is and was gorgeous...

Here is her newborn picture, eyes wide open and taking everything inThis is the before and after shot. She was sitting there watching her favorite show, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Then she turned around and gave me her classic Tessa face. Does it get any cuter than that?

Here is Tessa in her halloween costume, she is a pumpkin fairy. Since she was born on the day before Halloween my mother gave her the nickname Pumpkin. And yes i made her costume all by myself (i am totally patting myself on the back!!!)

Here is Tessa's birthday cake. It was a Martha Stewart Carmel Cake. that is my mom dressed as Mickey Mouse holding her.
Luckily Brady, her cousin (Batman) showed up to help blow out her candles. Happy Birthday Tessa and love to all who showed up at her party dressed in a costume. Thank you for indulging me in my Halloween Craziness, you all looked GORGEOUS

1 comment:

Ross and Aubrey said...

It was a fun party!
Good job on her outfit, it was really cute.
Happy Birthday Tessa

wishing on the moon