Friday, April 24, 2009

how do you say...


this is what we go through just about every time daddy leaves her behind...

am i really that bad to hang with?
Brenton and i had a discussion last night about how the voting was going for his haircut...he is not happy. what was funny was that he already knew what people were voting for. he looks at me and says,"they want me bald don't they?". how he knew this i don't know but folks let me tell you...he is not happy. he wants me to tell you that you need to change your votes (i won't tell you where he wants them moved to but he wants them moved!!!!!). this is all so funny to me. again let me say that i am going to let him pick out his own haircut, cause my husband was thinking that he gets to shave his sons head (no no no, this is not the case...i let my kids have feedom with their hair). my husband HATES IT when i take it to the edge with our kids hairstyles (that whole mohawk option). what can i say, i can't take it to the edge anywhere else (and i am a take it to the edge personality)...i am a mormon what else am i gonna do? anyways back to the point marci, i am closing the poll tonight, so any last voters have to do it today!!!!! the poor boy has hair hanging in his eyes and red cheeks any time he is running out in the heat.

PS no cavities for me...i was shocked

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