Thursday, December 17, 2009

seeing double

i used to think that all i was, was a mean person who walks around all day yelling at people. then, my husband took my three kids (and by my three kids i really mean my 2 year old plus the other two that i can handle on my own) to New Mexico over the Thanksgiving break and something happened to me. i was happy. i was calm. i didn't have to take any of my anxiety meds (except for that whole alien movie situation). i was laughing. i was dancing. i realized, hey maybe i am not a mean person after all.

(a little of Tessa's work)

i had a conversation with my mom where i was complaining about having a 2 year old and how much i really DON'T enjoy it. and my mom was all, " hey, Marci i had four 2 year olds. but, BUT i will grant you that Tessa is like having TWO 2 YEAR OLDS!!" oh thank you, my mother was understanding me and my struggle with coping with Tessa.

(and yet, another demonstration of Tessa's hard work)

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wishing on the moon