Tuesday, December 1, 2009

sexy sexiness with all the SEXY

for my sister, Nicole's birthday, i bought her a ticket to see New Moon (along with other things). this is all i have to say. when i read the books FROM THE BEGINNING, i ALWAYS ALWAYS had a thing for JACOB over Edward. i couldn't see the draw that women had to him. i just couldn't understand it. why would you want to be close to something that is cold and feels like stone? why? when i first said this to my sister Molly, she went ballistic on me. how could i like JACOB over the wonderful Edward?

DO YOU ALL SEE NOW WHY I LOVE JACOB? he has so totally got all the sexy sexiness with all the SEXY! and he is sooo warm and muscley with all the muscles.
Edward, i am sorry to say, not so much. please all you Edward lovers out there, this is just my lowly Marci very opinionated opinion! and to make up for my crappy movie going experience from Thursday night i went and saw it on Friday night...again...with my mommy. after we had both had massages. it was a good day. i loved watching it with you again mom and i love you and i love movies and i love music in movies. the end.


stacie said...

I will always love book Edward but movie Edward is really disappointing to me. He really needs to lift some weights, get to the gym so you can at least compete with movie Jacob. Seriously.

Cassie Jeter said...

Sad to say, I've seen it twice now to Marc:-). And I will have to agree, Jacob takes the cake by far in my eyes. Just seeing the scenes wear Jacob rips his shirt off and the one wear he takes his shirt off in the rain. Whoa! I didn't know a six pack could look so good!

wishing on the moon