Friday, December 26, 2008

christmas Act 1 (the morning)

our morning started early...6 am, brenton throws up...luckily he wasn't too sick as you will see from the pictures. he ended up being ok, he just didn't eat much throughout the day (poor kid at christmastime). other than that we had a wonderful christmas, considering my dad wasn't here to celebrate it. here are the pictures of our wonderful little christmas morning with our three overly excited children.

brenton and kylee had both asked for a wii, and lo and behold they recieved one. guess what they did all morning???

kylee recieved her cupcake maker and tessa fell in love with a BOLT stuffed dog

brenton recieved his car set that he had asked for at numerous times

kylee was worried that santa wouldn't know in enough time that she wanted mama mia because she had asked for it 2 days before christmas. i told her santa is really good at knowing what you like... she was so surprised!!!

brenton was also surprised by another gift he had recieved but didn't ask for. "how did santa know i would love this gift?"

and tessa kept trying to drink the candy canes...YUMMO!!!
ps i saw benjamin button today, warning: it is a three hour movie, but it was very enjoyable...the ending was very touching

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wishing on the moon