Friday, December 19, 2008

how to party (like a mormon)

for our WARD CHRISTMAS PARTY we went to CAMP TRACY last saturday night. it had been snowing all day so it was perfect for TUBING, our kids were overjoyed. so we lugged up our tube, snow clothes, and obligatory pot luck side dish and had ourselves a good old time (mormon style).

come on hun, tell us how you REALLY feel about having to TREK up the tubing hill with the kids over and over after working out at home for 2 hours? (don't say i didn't warn ya!!)
all the PRIMARY KIDS sang us some christmas songs, so happy and full of belief in the MAGIC of christmas at this age.

here is tessa with her cousin Grace. this is proof that as long as she has her BINKY and mommy's CELL PHONE in her hand, she can sit with anyone.

notice the rosy red CHEEKS that b man has. that is from TUBING outside in the freezing COLD for almost 2 hours (and running around the lodge like a wild man right before singing).

ps saw yes man tonight, very funny!!!

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wishing on the moon