Tuesday, December 30, 2008

christmas ACT III ( night time activities)

well we made to nightfall and headed to my grandma's home/condo. we were able to reserve her "rec room". it was sooooo nice, we had tons of room for kids to run in, a piano, an organ, a tv and lots of people to see. i made my famous sweet potatoes (so so YUM) and we had all the trimmings of your regular thanksgiving/christmas dinner. we watched THE FAMILY MAN on tv (love nic cage) and played catch phrase after eating and opening presents.
here is sick brenton(he did eat a doughnut at grandmas and a roll at dinner) and brady with their newly aquired toys. but from all the running he did you never would have known he had been sick.

here is kylee helping her great grandma hoyt open her christmas presents.
daddy could not open up tessa's gift fast enough, i mean look at her face, it says it all. I NEED THIS RIGHT NOW!!!!!

so she tries to take it into her own hands...ah the sweet success of getting your gift out of the box.

here are the kids looking for their gifts under the tree (pre tessa freak out)

now look at poor george...say and tess will now duke it out for this other toy, ahhh christmas and kids?!!!

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wishing on the moon