Monday, November 2, 2009

99 problems but,

oh happy birthday to me
and my little shadow, too. i have also decided that all those houses i walk into that are perfectly decorated and are insanely clean and they have more kids than i, they just don't have a new tv in their bedroom like me. i feel so sorry for them, they are missing out on the best tv watching EVER!!


MollyEmma said...

I love Jay-Z!!!! He makes me want to be a yankee fan... :(

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

best day to you Marc. (that's Marsss).

Btw, I posted some controversial AP stuff on my blog. You are low-key about it - me? I am up in people's faces apparently! Eeek!

I admitted to co-sleeping and told the crazy stroller tales. People are going to think I am more insane than they already do...

wishing on the moon