Friday, November 13, 2009


the kids and i were driving in the car listening to my ipod, which is on shuffle, so you never know what you are gonna get. the song man of a thousand faces by regina spektor came on and i thought nothing of it. then i overhear brenton say to himself, " i think that sounds like a compliment. man of a thousand faces. yeah, that has to be a good thing."
then when we got home he told me that he was going to teach Brady how to play pokeman. i then remind him that Brady is quite a bit younger than him and i don't think he will understand that card game. he then looks at me as if i don't understand anything in an 8 year olds world and says, "mom, it is soooo easy. i can explain it in like two sentences. i just say nah nah nah nah (yes, he really said nah nah nah nah cause i wan't worth using the real words on) and Brady will understand it."

1 comment:

nicole said...

That was so cute! I love my Brenton. He is always looking out for my Brady. Cousins are by far the best thing in the world. All Brenton has to do is just sit by Brady, and he is in seventh heaven.

wishing on the moon