Monday, April 5, 2010

5 days til...

FLorida! now you might be wondering what the whole highlighting the F and L is for. i am gonna tell ya. when Saturday rolls around at about noonish i want you all to have a thought run through your head and that thought is...THE RUF'S ARE FLYING TO FLORIDA RIGHT NOW. yes, FLying to FLorida (we have a layover but, my sister said i wasn't allowed to complain. so this is me not complaining...I REALLY REALLY HATE LAYOVERS WITH YOUNG KIDS! there see i am all done now.)

also, it is THIS ONE'S SEVENTH BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! i get to speak about how unfair it is that she is getting Florida and Disney World and warm beaches for her birthday. i mean, what is that compared to having a birthday cake with your friends. really, what is this poor child's mother thinking?


nicole said...

Oh boy did Brady love that picture of Brenton flying. He couldn't figure out how he did it. Too cute!

MollyEmma said...

I was not the mentioned sister...but I would have to agree that you do not get to complain about this one.

MollyEmma said...

But...I do love the pictures. :)

wishing on the moon