Monday, January 11, 2010

my mom's gonna kill me

i am sure you are asking yourself, why would your mother want to kill her daughter? well, let me tell you why. since the movie Avatar came out both my husband and the rest of my family for that matter have been VERY HO HUM ABOUT IT. but, the problem was, my mom wanted to see it REALLY REALLY BAD (and no one else wanted to)! that is...until everyone my husband and i knew would tell us over and over again..."YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE, AND SEE IT IN 3D". and i now know why they wanted us to see it in 3D... A. MAZ. ING.
i was honestly worried that the REALLY BIG HYPE behind this movie was going to ruin it for me. you know how it goes...OOHH THIS IS SOOOO GOOOOOD! YOU ARE GOING TO LOOOVE IT SO MUCH! then you go see it, read it, or taste and end up, i have had or read or seen better. but, this movie actually lived up to its hype for me, i really truly enjoyed it and it didn't feel like time was dragging on. cause it is a long movie but, has so much eye candy that you don't really notice.
i have decided the the giant blue smurfs are actually BEAUTIFUL GIANT BLUE SMURFS.
mom, i will take you to there if you want me to, that is how much i enjoyed it.

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wishing on the moon