Monday, January 4, 2010

spoonfuls of sugar...LITERALLY!

i know, another Tessa story but this one is just to good to let the Internet miss out on. the other morning while i was working out, Tessa kept getting into trouble in the kitchen. so i put the HEAVY STOOLS ON TOP ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER SO SHE COULDN'T MANEUVER THEM AROUND ANYMORE! while i was in the shower, the two year old who apparently has SUPER POWERS, got one of the stools from off the counter and moved it over to where we keep the sugar sack on the counter. there is a spoon that we keep in the sugar because i haven't bothered with getting a sugar holder/container thingy. believe me, it is now on my to do list...right after i paint Kylee's and Brenton's rooms. anyways back to the story, i get out of the shower and do my thing. by the time i am dressed i realize that i haven't heard or seen the two year old in awhile, which can only mean one thing. TROUBLE. so i walk out to find Tessa feeding herself spoonfuls of sugar and then giving the dog spoonfuls of sugar too (isn't she so thoughtful). as you can see from the picture (all of the white on her is sugar)...our dog had A VERY GOOD DAY THAT DAY. Roxy loves it when mom is in the shower and Tessa resumes power over the house!

1 comment:

nicole said...

By far, one of the best stories yet.

wishing on the moon