Thursday, March 12, 2009

when we're HELPING we're HAPPY

Tessa takes it upon herself to make sure she helps me out everyday. She takes these JOBS very seriously and will always make sure they are DONE...ATLEAST THREE TIMES A DAY! Here are her daily chores as follows...

open the baking supply cupboard and empty it out. make sure you leave it open and everything hanging out. maybe even throw the chocolate chips in the garbage for good measure.

drag the can of cookie mix and shortening around the house and remind mom that she should be making cookies. maybe just maybe open up the shortening and stick your hand in there and give it a little taste...hmm let's put some in our hair and see what that does too.

leave the can of shortening and cookie mix right in the middle of where everyone walks so they can get some extra exercise by having to step over it.go find out if someone left the door to the bathroom open. climb up onto the counter and throw as much stuff around as you can before someone catches you and locks you out and away from your BEAUTIFUL mess.

finally go pull down the dvd blockade and rip out as many dvd's as you can. phew, you did it all...and three other times at that.


nicole said...

I love that tessa the pesta. She is the true pest of the family.

Lisa P. said...

So cute! thats why our dvds are in paul's office. I was sick of the cleanup;)

Ross and Aubrey said...

I'm so sick of cleaning up everything 3x's a day, too!

wishing on the moon