Monday, October 5, 2009

it cost me $3 to throw away some green paper

for the past 4 days my children have been on "fall break" which continues on into monday also. while they have been sitting at home for two days instead of going to school kylee has worked her cute, non existent, little butt off making these paintings on green construction paper. they have been floating around my house for 4 DAYS NOW!! i have kept telling myself she will forget about them and i will be able to throw them out (kylee if you ever read this in the future, i LOVE your beautiful artwork. but mommy can only keep so many pictures and paintings shoved around the house.). on saturday my mom called to tell me she wanted to have a sleep over with my two oldest, brenton and kylee, to which i replied...are you sure??? 1. my sister and her family are living with her right now which can create a ton of chaos and 2. my kids are known for their sleeping issues. so i go over on saturday night and hang out for awhile (since the menfolk were at priesthood session), bathed the kids, kissed them goodnight, and wished my mom and sisters luck. apparently right after i walked out the door saylee threw up and continued to throw up all. night. long. (i really truly bone achingly feel your pain nicole). if i had known this, or had seen it, i would have grabbed my kids and ran for the hills. i have anxiety issues with illness that i can't quite work out yet...which i whole heartedly believe i have passed onto my son (i am so sorry for that brenton) as i do have anxiety with other things...but i digress.

so on the ruf's quiet, sleep in until 9 am, sunday morning we woke up refreshed and ready for the gloriness that is not having to be dressed and ready for church at 9 am and instead layed there and did nothing. while i was getting the soup ready to take over to my mothers flu infested house (or hopefully not the flu, she didn't have a fever...i am trying to placate myself here okay)i saw those six rolled up green, painted on, construction papers. i looked at walter and said, "do you think she will even notice they are gone now?" and he said"no i think you are safe." so into the garbage they went. can anyone guess what the first words out of kylee's mouth were when we walked into the, yes, maybe?? "WHERE ARE MY GREEN PAPERS THAT I MADE?"

oh and as a side note she made a whole new slew of artwork while she was at grandma's flu infested house. which she did bring home with her.

i then looked at walter...then back at kylee...then back at walter...then back at kylee. then i said "i totally sold all of your paintings ky!" she then got a huge OH MY GOSH...and much money did i make? to which i replied..

3 DOLLARS! (this is a painting i recieved and is up on my wall...the others are still in the garbage RIP) she told me she is now going to sell all the other artwork she made and brenton said he is going to make and sell some of his artwork for .60cents a piece (not to be outdone by his sister).

what have i created???


Lisa P. said...

that is so cute! you should take pics of all her artwork and then you can download it to like costco and get a book made...1) less clutter for you. 2)a book you can treasure and then give to kylee when she moves out:) (saw it on oprah;)

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

I will buy one for 60 cents. :)

And I will get around to calling you or stealing you away for a lunch date -- I am wondering about the 'sleep issues' myself now that Holden is crawling over things (like pillows, for instance.)

Cassie Jeter said...

Cute cute blog Marc:-) I love reading the adventures of your family!!!

wishing on the moon