Thursday, October 15, 2009

possible side effects:

ok here are a few of the side effects of my meds they have listed:

abnormal dreams, anxiety (just what i need), decreased sexual desire or ability (walter did NOT think that one was funny), flu-like sypmptoms, loss of appetite, nervousness, trouble sleeping (have that one already), yawning.

and now for the grand finale of all symptoms i give you...

THIS MEDICINE MAY RARELY CAUSE a prolonged, painful erection. this could happen even when you are not having sex. if this is not treated right away, it could lead to permanent sexual problems such as impotence (lisa, 'member how i used to pronounce impotence. it is soooo impOtent!).
the answer is no, i am not taking viagra or the little blue pill. but, how funny would that be running to the ER saying i am not taking viagra, i swear, i am taking such and such...i promise that is why i have this prolonged erection!!

1 comment:

Lisa P. said...

"oh this problem"...:) thanks for the good laugh, even though I hope you dont get all the other ones:)

wishing on the moon