Friday, October 9, 2009

my mother has NOT A ONE LEFT

my mother has always prided herself on her childrens hair. the long, luxurious, blonde, curly locks of her perfectly coifed three little girls. i refer to her as the hair nazi (sorry mom, but you kinda are). all three of her daughters and one grand-daughter have rebeled against the hair nazi and have chopped off their long manes. i am the last one to do so...

i am too lazy to screw with my camera and figure out how to turn off the flash. but, doesn't it give me such a wonderful glow...
my hair was done by Logan (who has hair i wish my son had). i heard about him through sabrena (thanks yo, i would totally recommend him too. what a cutie.)! he actually taught me how to blow dry my hair and style it TWO DIFFERENT WAYS. i have never had someone do that for me before. kylee came along to support me and watch her mama's locks get chopped away. it feels OH SO GOOD to have a change.

and finally my "you mess with MY KIDS you mess WITH ME" face!!

ps. tessa wouldn't come near me for the first ten minutes of mama coming home with a whole new hairdo.
it's walter's birthday tomorrow and i think he is PMSing. yeah.


MollyEmma said...

Your son does have beautiful hair!! I love it!!! I want to do my hair!! How much does Logan charge? Did he dye it as well?

Lisa P. said...

love it!

wishing on the moon