Friday, February 12, 2010

could have cared less.

i went and bought a ton of junk to decorate a valentines box for my son's party. i finally located a box that would work ( a box that Nordstrom sent me some shoes in...nice and big). so, i bring out the box along with some TRANSFORMER WRAPPING PAPER, STICKER HEARTS, AND SOME GLITTERY GLUE. i then show Brenton that he can decorate his valentines box. AND WHAT DOES HE SAY TO ME?? as a sidebar, he says this to me wile playing his precious Mario Brothers. i think it has become his "PRECIOUS" (totally said in the Gollum voice). i don't really need to decorate it. i then looked at him and said, "pause that bloody game and look at me. you are saying that you would rather take this brown box that has an address label from Nordstoms to Your Mother on top, and pass this off as your valentines box. REALLY?! after all the shopping i have done to come up with decorations for this box? REALLY?!"
needless to say, he made his valentines box AND begrudgingly wrote out his valentines to send out, and is now as i am typing "PLAYING HIS PRECIOUS".

what an EVIL MOTHER i am to force my son to do these activities that take time away from his PRECIOUS...

PS extra special bonus Saturday post tomorrow. who's excited?

1 comment:

Chism said...

HAHA! Didn't the ring (precious) turn Gollum into the creature? :)

Glad he got to decorate his box.

Happy Valentines Day!

wishing on the moon