Friday, February 5, 2010

only an eight year old's mind

this is from a paper that i pulled from Brenton's backpack the other day, so i assume he wrote this at school. i am now going to share with the internet a STORY WRITTEN BY BRENTON...

Brenton's Trip with his family to California
By: Brenton Ruf

Once upon a time me and my family and
Grandma and grandpa went to California for a week.

We had to take separate cars. But we had walkie talkies
To talk to each other when we were driving in the car.

When we got there we are going to have lots of fun
Together. We're also going swimming together.

We are also going to get a hotel room so we can sleep

It took us a day to get there. We actually took the airplane
Because it took us a day.

So when we got there we started unpacking our stuff.
It was dinner time. We all went back to the hotel room to eat dinner.

Then we went to bed. The next morning we got ready to go to
Disneyland. When we got there I got tickets and then I found
My cousin.

Then we went on the bumper cars. When we played darts
I won a prize. It was cool.

1 comment:

nicole said...

Cute! It sounds like he is combining different life experiences and putting them together. Love that boy!

wishing on the moon