Thursday, February 4, 2010

Grammy 2010 fashion ME

FIRST OFF...THE GRAMMY'S WERE A TOTAL SNORE! there was only one performance worth mentioning and that was...LADY GAGA AND ELTON JOHN. LOVED IT! in fact i loved it so much i got the live performance on my ipod now...Tessa and i have danced to it already. and now for my fashion HITS AND MISSES...
i thought the JOE BROS looked darling...especially that middle one. he sure has spruced up his look, and i like it.
it's PLASTIC FACE...again. she still isn't looking good. for those of you who think i don't like Nicole Kidman, i do. i love her movies, i just feel like the older she gets, the more plasticy she looks. and i don't like her outfit.
i thought Miley looked a smokin!
Rhianna i love you but that outfit...not so much.
Imogen Heap is like one of my favorite singers and she looks like a total WACKADOO.
Katy Perry...NO, just no...
i give you Lady Gaga in all her gaganess. my favorite quote to this day is still, "HEY LADY WE CAN ALMOST SEE YOUR GAGA" the that she is a tough girl in a girlie dress.
Taylor Swift looked B E A utiful!


MollyEmma said...

I agree about the jo bros. I hated Taylor's dress. I loved Miley's hair. I want that hair. I know it is fake, but I want it!!

Kristine said...

agreed. agreed.

ps. how about pinks performance. hoooooly cow. amazing.

wishing on the moon